Thursday, September 12, 2019

How Stem Cells Are Changing the Way We Think About Disease Essay

How Stem Cells Are Changing the Way We Think About Disease - Essay Example There seems to be a form of hope on the horizon with the increased study and awareness of the abilities of stem cells. â€Å"Where the promise of stem cell’s lies,† was recently discussed in a Time magazine recently featured an article titled, â€Å"How Stem Cells Are Changing the Way We Think about Disease.† After taking a look at were stem cells come from, what the promise is, and how they may very well affect the current generation’s hope for cures to many diseases, stem cells may never be thought of the same again. Stem cells are the building blocks upon which all life is formed. Every human started as a small grouping of complex cells in the uterus of his/her mother. From a few complex cells, stem cells, all other cells form to create the human body. Until recently, scientists could only gather and study stem cells from direct contact with them via, umbilical cord, or embryo study. Recently, however, they have discovered that they can generate stem ce lls from almost every part of the body; particularly, they have been able to generate them from skin cells. We are now led to the promise stem cells hold.

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